
gooddata_pandas.result_convertor.convert_execution_response_to_dataframe(execution_response: BareExecutionResponse, result_cache_metadata: ResultCacheMetadata, label_overrides: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]], result_size_dimensions_limits: Tuple[Optional[int], ...], result_size_bytes_limit: Optional[int] = None, use_local_ids_in_headers: bool = False) Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrameMetadata]

Converts execution result to a pandas dataframe, maintaining the dimensionality of the result.

Because the result itself does not contain all the necessary metadata to do the full conversion, this method expects that the execution _response_.

  • label_overrides – label overrides

  • execution_response – execution response through which the result can be read and converted to a dataframe


a new dataframe